Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Invisible Fencing Typically Works to Train and Protect Your Dog

Hopefully this will give you a basic understanding on how invisible fencing for your dog should work, and if it is for you, or not for you, only you can decide if you agree with invisible fencing. Not all yards are the same, and by no means, not all dogs are the same, but it should work for most people that use it correctly.

The system would usually entail you trenching a trench, or digging up the ground along the path you want your invisible fencing to go. Just pretend it is an invisible wall, and where you put the wires, will be where the invisible fencing will be located at.

You would want to check with your local utilities or power company before digging up and installing the wires. But it is not that difficult, for the average person, as long as they follow the instructions carefully for the system they purchase.

Your dog would be fitted with a collar, that has some sensors that stick out, and contact the dogs skin. From what I hear, the dog does not get a shock, but a surprising jolt, and since dogs can not talk, we will really never know what they feel, until we find a dog that can talk, and we put him or her on television, and they tell us everything that is wrong with dogs, and kids would love that story, but you get the idea!

The way it works is, you bury the wires underneath the lawn, so you don't have wire everywhere, or you can also run it along wooden fences, not metal ones, and that could be a boundary wall, so they don't dig out, but you don't have to dig up that section, because a fence is already their, basically making them stop digging out, or jumping up on the fence any more.

The collar would require batteries, and a test period, and training sessions with your dog, so that he or she understands what is desired of them, and they are training properly about where they can, and where they can not go in the yard. They do have systems for inside the home, for dogs that jump over gates, and you could find that on the internet for inside places.

You would place red flags along the path of the invisible fencing, for training purposes with your dog. Your dog needs to be able to see the invisible lines first, and that is what the flags are put in the ground for. A system that is working fine, would give the dog several peeps warning him or her that they are getting to close to the fence.

If they do not move back, they will get a shock or surprise jolt, depending on how you look at it, since the dog can't tell us, and the part you really need to teach your dog, before you let him or her loose or on their own, is to turn away from the fence, and go back.

You could teach them this, by turning it into a fun game for both of you. You would train your dog, by taking them up to the fence, and when the warning beeping starts to go off, you could turn around and run, and call your dog to come too, and then when he or she comes, you could give them some praise, and teach them to turn back, not go thru it.

Like anything, you would actually need to teach them to go thru it, so they know what they are in for. Walk with them, and when the warning beeping is going off, let them experience the effect of the surprise, as I'm hoping they are getting a surprise rather than a shock, but if this saves them from running out in the street and getting hit and killed by a car or truck, or getting lose and biting someone, then I believe they need to learn what happens if they don't come back, while you are their, rather then while you are away.

You would leave the red flags up, until you think your dog is ready for them to be taken down. As with anything you love, take good care of your dog, and watch them and keep and eye on them. If you just use common sense, and follow the directions on the kit you buy, and don't take any short cuts, do it right the first time, it will work, just plan everything ahead of time, and give your dog plenty of time to learn the new system with you, and you both should be happier and safer!

Vince Stead has been raising dogs for over 25 years now. He has written 15 books, including "Sammy the Runaway Mastiff".

You can find his books at places like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and even his own website at

You can get every one of his books as a book at regular price, and you also get them as digital downloads for only $2.99 each.

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