Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to Make Your Own Healthy Dog Food Yourself

I've heard stories, where some dog foods are made from the lowest quality ingredients, and to cure some dog allergies, or allergic reactions, some people have made their own quality dog food, and the problems went away, with a better diet, and more quality ingredients.

If you've ever noticed your puppy or dog might have extra gas, and it seems to smell really bad, it is not your puppy or dogs fault, most likely the dog food you are feeding him or her, has plenty of soy beans as one of the ingredients, and you know what happens when humans eat to many beans, they have excess gas also, and you don't want to be in the same room with them either!

One of the ways to make sure your puppy or full grown dog is eat healthy, is to make their food yourself. You are in control of your dogs weight and health. Remember that some name brand dog foods, might use meat that is good for dogs, but unfit for human consumption. That might tell you something. Most vets will tell you that store bought dog food, is not the best dog food for your puppy or dog.

A good rule of thumb to remember is, if you are cooking food for your family, why not make some for your dog also at the same time. You would not want to give your dog any junk food, candy, chocolate, nuts, and other things to are dangerous to some types of dogs, and not others for some reason.

If you going to make home made dog food for your dog, it is best to consult your veterinarian first, so that he or she knows. Then you can find some excellent ideas online on what you would like to make your dog, and just remember, most dogs need roughly 40% meat, 30% Starch and roughtly 30% vegetables.

If you use your common sense, you would know when you are giving your puppy or dog a good meal. If you have a pot roast, and your family loves it, your dog is more than certain going to love it also. He or she might not love their dog food you buy at the store, and if you want to make sure he or she is getting the best ingredients you can find, you would want to make it yourself then. You can actually get the whole family involved, and your dog is going to love you for it!

Vince Stead has been raising dogs for over 25 years now. He has over 15 books up for sale under his name so far.

You can find his books at places like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and even his own website at

You can get every one of his books as a book at regular price, and you also get them as digital downloads for only $2.99 each.

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