Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to Stop Your Mastiff From Running Away or Bolting Out the Door

"It is not good at all for your mastiff puppy or dog to try to run away every chance they can, or bolt out the door whenever you open it! This could be one of the worst things for your puppy or dog, as they could get lost or hurt, and you don't want that! The reason they like to run away, is many different reasons, and if you can curb some of the reasons, it will make it much better for you and your puppy or dog."

"Dogs are usually rewarded when they break out and run away, and explore. They can find other dogs they can run with sometimes, or a cat they can chase down the street, or up a tree. They might see a child that they never saw before, and wants to pet them. They might find a mate dog out their, and they want to go to them."

"They could tip over the neighbors trash cans, and find interesting things to rummage thru, and just all sorts of reasons a dog gets rewarded when they break out, or bolt out the door, and take off on you, but still so dangerous!"

"What ever the reason your mastiff is trying to break out, if you can contain some of the ways and reasons, it will make it much easier for you. For example, if the fence is loose in a certain spot, and he or she gets out their, by all means fix it!"

"If the dog can see the mail delivery person coming each day, maybe you could put some tarps up so your dog can not see out, or even moving the mail box to a different location, so you dog does not see it anymore, and take away the temptation that gets them wound up in the first place."

"You want to make it less inviting for your puppy or dog to break out, than to stay around and stay home. If you take away some of the obstacles, and make it harder for them to break out, that is good. You also want to make their desire to leave and runaway less too."

"Some dogs just have a natural instinct to want to get away, and be with the pack, be it dogs or humans. It's a natural instinct, and you can curb it, but you can't take it out of your dog."

"You can learn a few home trick remedies, but nothing would be as good as you and your dog attending dog obedience classes together! You would learn much more in detail, and your dog would respect you, and wait for your guidance; it would want to please you, rather than bolting out the door on you."

"Some little tricks you can do yourself, would be to be by the door, and you open the door, when your dog comes, if he or she stops at the door, and does not go out, you give them praise and a treat."

"If he or she bolts from the door, you get them back, and then you do it again. This time, you let the door almost come closed, but you keep it open just a little bit. When the dog sits or stays, and the door is still partly open, you give them a treat and praise again. Repeat this until you have the dog sitting in front of the door, and he or she does not go out, and you give them praise and a treat, until you could rely on praise only."

"The only time the dog should want to go thru the open door, is when you go first, and tell the dog to "Come" and he or she will follow you. If you never go out the door or call them, they should stay inside, unless called."

"Any dog that breaks out of his or her yard, or bolts from an open door, can be a tragic situation for the dog, especially if there are passing cars nearby. You want to take care of this problem immediately, before your puppy or dog gets hurt."

Vince Stead has 14 books up for sale so far, one called "Sammy the Runaway Mastiff".

You can find his books at places like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and even his own website at

You can get every one of his books as a book at regular price, and you also get them as digital downloads for only $2.99 each, including Sammy the Runaway Mastiff.

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