Saturday, February 12, 2011

What the Benefits of Microchipping Your Dog Are to You

If you've been wondering if microchipping your dog is a good thing, it is, if you ask me. It's just like anything, if you ask 7 different veterinarian's the same question, you might get some totally different answers and opinions, so just use your common sense.

A microchip that is placed inside your dog, usually between the shoulder blades, and with a syringe that looks pretty much like the one dogs get their shots with. The microchip is about the size of a grain of rice. It is inserted by your veterinarian, and different vets sell different packages, but relatively all the same.

It is really no more painful to your dog then them getting vaccinated, and if you ever lose your dog, this is one of the best ways of hoping to get him or her back.

The microchip is basically a transmitter, that the skin just grows right back over, and it stays with your dog, for their entire life. The transmitter does not require any batteries or maintenance. It is embedded with a number the company supplies and your veterinarian will have much more details on, you will have to pay a one time fee for this service.

When a scanner that a vet or animal shelter should have on hand these days, maybe some smaller out in the country vets still don't have access to one, but if they do, the scanner would make the transmitter give us a signal, that the scanner could read. Since it is universal, injecting the microchip behind the shoulder blades, but over time and years, some dogs may have growth movement.

Millions of dogs get lost every year. One of the best ways to make sure your puppy or dog does not get lost in the first place, is to be a responsible pet owner, and make sure your home and yard are puppy and dog proof, just like you might do for a real baby in your home.

Make sure fences and gates are secure, make sure there are no holes being dug you don't know about. Make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise and care and love, so they don't feel the need to go elsewhere.

If for some reason your dog becomes lost, the collar and tags might get lost or removed, and then it is nearly impossible to find the rightful owner sometimes, and the worst you can imagine might happen, and with the microchip, it is not a for sure bet, but your odds are much higher of getting your lost dog back, then if you did not have it.

Hopefully your puppy or dog has a very nice place to live, either indoors or outdoors, and they like their surroundings, and never dream of running or getting away, but if for some reason, they are in heat, or they hear kids playing, or the mail delivery person coming, and they want to escape, or they just get loose by accident, like a small child leaving the door open, and then they are long gone, that microchip is going to play a much bigger role in finding him or her, and I really hope it works for everyone!

Vince Stead has been raising dogs for over 25 years now. He has written 15 books, including "Sammy the Runaway Mastiff".

You can find his books at places like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and even his own website at

You can get every one of his books as a book at regular price, and you also get them as digital downloads for only $2.99 each.

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