Before you bring your mastiff puppy home, you might want to get things ready for him or her. Some of the things you might want to get would include:"
"Some dog crates, one or two for the house, and one for the car. You would want to get some fencing for the back yard, and as you know, mastiffs are going to be really big dogs when they grow up! You might as well get the heaviest duty dog gear you can buy, it will be worth it!"
"You would want to get your home and yard ready just like you would for a new baby almost. You would want to puppy proof your home, nothing that would hurt the puppy should be out, and all cabinets should be locked."
"For outside the house, all pools and hot tubs should be fenced in, and all gates should be locked and double checked. A mastiff can really put a lot of weight into something, if you think they might get out, they probably can, so make it even tougher, it's a mastiff!"
"Collars and leashes, you would actually need several, for training purposes. A short one for training and a long one for walks you go on. You should not leave a collar on a puppy while unsupervised, it could get caught and choke the puppy."
"A collar should be used only when training, but they are common on most every dog, just make sure you have a good fitting one, and watch your puppy, to make sure he or she does not get it caught, a collar should not be left on, but dog owners do it all the time it seems, so just be extra careful."
"You should never have to yell or scream, or get carried away when trying to train your mastiff. If you feel he or she is not moving forward, take a break, and try it again in a bit. Make sure you are not the one who is trying to hard. To puppy will learn the commands, over time, no puppy gets it all right the first time, there will be mistakes, but in the long run, you will have a much better trained dog. One you and you family can live with for many years to come!"
"While your puppy is still young, you should enroll yourself and your new puppy in as many dog obedient classes that you think you could handle. This will be the best experience for both you and your puppy, and you both will bond much better together, and get the most out of it. For the long haul, it is totally worth it!"
"Hopefully your puppy has already seen the vet before you even brought him home, just for a check up at least. You should at this time, find a reputable vet in your area, and set your new puppy up for regular visits and exams all puppies and dogs need to have on a regular basis."
"The first day you bring you new puppy home, try to make it when you have plenty of time off of work or school, so that the puppy is not immediate left alone, and insecure. It is best to spend plenty of time with the new puppy, especially the first couple of days."
"If you can take a sock or towel with you, and let the mother and any other siblings roll around on it, it would be a good comfort blanket to help your new puppy adjust in his new home."
"Your puppy might whine, whimper and cry the first couple of nights, this is natural really. It will go away eventually, as this is how the baby is raised by its mother. It whines when it cries for its mother, when it wants to eat, and is crying out for attention."
"That is where the towel or sock with the mothers scent rubbed on it, comes in handy to put inside the crate. You would also want some good solid stainless steel bowls for food and water. You should check with your vet on a proper food and feeding time, usually twice daily, at the same times, but some vets recommend different diets for your mastiff, so check with your vet first."
"Teach your new mastiff puppy to be a part of the family. Mastiff dogs like to be included with the family, they are not that happy if just left in the back yard, they like to be included with the family, so keep that in mind and have fun with your new mastiff puppy!"
"You can teach your new puppy to go to the bathroom outside. You need to take your new puppy outside several times a day. A puppy can not tell you when they have to go pee or poop, they just go. It is your responsibility to know to take the puppy outside, since they will have to go to the bathroom several times each day."
"When you take your new puppy outside, teach them to eliminate in a certain spot, and then give them a treat and praise. Continue to do this, each time you take them outside, tell them to go "potty" and wait for them to go. As soon as they are done, reward them with praise and a treat, and take them back inside."
When take your puppy outside to go to the bathroom, when you take him or her out, just stand still, and let the dog do their business. When they are finally doing their business, while they are doing it, just stand their, and say, "Good Potty" "Good Baby" and talk sweet to them, until they are done."
"When they are done, give them praise and a treat. Continue doing this until you only use praise, and the dog will learn to go outside, and do his or her businesses quickly, and then back inside."
"Under no circumstances should you ever leave your new puppy unsupervised. If you have to do something, he or she should be in their crate, safe and sound."
Vince Stead has 14 books up for sale so far he wrote, including "Sammy the Runaway Mastiff".
You can find his books at places like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and even his own website at
You can get every one of his books as a book at regular price, and you also get them as digital downloads for only $2.99 each, including Sammy the Runaway Mastiff.
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